Hello world! I’m back!

I was reflecting today on how quickly it feels for the past 5 years to have just passed. It’s incredible for me to think how recent it feels that I was running the restaurants. It somehow seems like just last year!

In 2015, I (unexpectedly) closed the restaurants after 11 years. Then, reopened a location in 2017 for a quick run of 6 months, before closing again. Those are both whole stories with details that I’ll share another time.

I have never set down my mission though of promoting food as medicine, or the message to take care of our health from a holistic viewpoint and way of being.

It’s been quite a while since I’ve talked though! I haven’t sent many words out to the Gorilla Food community over the past couple of years. I guess I’ve been focused on learning and growing and creating the next path forward. I’m so glad to be back!

Since closing the restaurants I’ve been in school, I’ve been travelling, I’ve been growing gardens, I’ve been practicing and studying yoga and all of its branches, I’ve explored relationships, I’ve had family time, I’ve been making music and art, I’ve been coaching and supporting clients, and most of all I was healing from thirteen years of seven day work weeks 🙂 … and my lifetime of being a human.

I’ve gone through many lessons, both personal and business. I’m now ready to share again in a new and updated format!

To start with, I’m getting back online with this blog, and on social media.

I have some things I want to share that I’ve envisioned and have been working on since even before starting the restaurants.

It’s finally all coming together. Thanks for being here too. I hope you’ll keep following along!

Stay tuned and check back as I put the pieces together for these next steps of the Gorilla Food Whole Health Integration movement.

Please, sign up to the email list so you can stay connected and get the news first!

Until then, keep on rawking!!


Nutrition and Whole Health Coach

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